How Niko Reclaimed Trust and Flexibility in Her Body

For over two years Niko pushed her body with intense excercise. Crossift workouts, weightlifting at the gym and even powerlifting were what she thought would make her strong and powerful.

But as time went on she wasn’t feeling good in her body. The things she thought those activities were supposed to bring her never seemed to materialize. Instead she was left hurting all the time.

I didn’t like how I felt in my body. Everything kept hurting all the time. I thought eventually it would produce the results I wanted, but I just ended up more tired.

Not only was Niko not feeling stronger, but she also noticed something else happening — she began to feel more detached and disconnected from her body.

The push, push, push mentality that she had learned from these fitness practices was no longer serving her. She realized that she needed to try something different to create a deeper level of strength, trust and self-love with her body.

A lot of the exercises were super linear and didn’t create much flexibility. I wanted something radical and something different. I wanted to reconnect with my body to be more self aware. I wanted to relearn how to love myself through movement.

Niko knew the old way wasn’t working and she had to do something about it before she lost the feeling that something had to change

Even when something isn’t working, it can be hard to change. The old ways of moving and relating to your body are familiar, ingrained, and supported by the culture around you.

It can be hard to venture out and do something radically different than what you’ve been taught.

But Niko knew that if she was looking for something different, the opportunity would appear sooner or later.

I knew that I deserved better. I got to a point where I decided it was enough. I got tired of the diet and fitness culture where I wasn’t being heard. It wasn’t personalized to me. After I made the jump I realized I should have been doing this the whole time!

But at first it was difficult to listen to her body and validate her body’s signals

Doing things in a way that wasn’t as quota and performance-based was hard for Niko at first. It was a big shift to start to tune in to her body’s signals and learn to honor the messages it was giving her.

Slowing down was really hard. Doing things like focusing in her breathing, activating her TVA, and rebuilding her body maps wasn’t easy at first.

But the more she practiced being present, the easier it became.

It took me a while to slow down at first. But as I practiced I realized I didn’t have to have this anxiety about what was coming next.

The keys to Niko’s transformation

  • Learning to get out of her head and tune in with what her body wanted to do, instead of bossing her body around.

  • Focusing on deep core strength, spinal movement and developmental patterns helped her rebuild her foundations.

  • Making the practice a priority first thing in the day helped her set the tone for how the rest of the day would go.


Tired of feeling stiff, achey and tired?

If you’re looking for a way to rebuild your body in a way that will build more trust, freedom and confidence, then it’s time to try a different approach.

Reach out and schedule a call and we’ll help you create a plan to feeling your best ever in your body.


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