Welcome to Self Care School…

Learn to receive more goodness in your life with somatic movement

What if you knew how to consistently give your body the support it needs to heal from pain, tension and trauma?

Maybe you “do self care” but it kind of feels like you’re just going through the motions, checking it off as another thing on your to-do list.

Or you struggle with staying consistent, only taking action when you’re already feeling really terrible.

You probably know that’s not how self care is supposed to feel.

It should be deeper than that, right? And shouldn’t it feel like it’s making a real, noticeable difference in your life?

That’s what Self Care School is for. To help you find loving accountability, with guided practices and a beautiful community.

Then just $29/mo. No contracts, cancel anytime.

Understand your body with guided routines

Learn the foundations of a body that you love to live in from Jonathan Mead —expert coach and body educator— as they guide you into learning the power of somatic practice.

Practices matched to how you’re feeling

Remove the guesswork by selecting topics to help you with whatever you currently are feeling, from: anxiety, self doubt, anger, shame, stress, disassociation and more.

Get out of crisis mode and start thriving

There’s nothing wrong with practicing when you’re really in need. But over time you’ll learn how to get ahead of your symptoms and create more resiliency with consistent rituals.









Release · Remember · Heal · Feel ·

Tired of doing it alone? Give yourself the gift of support.

Community space holding, support and encouragement to help you feel less alone and more connected. Regular check-ins will inspire you to stay consistent, not out of fear or shame, but true self love.

Then just $29/mo. No contracts, cancel anytime.

All the workshops you’ll be unlocking:

(Tap/click to expand for a full description)

  • This workshop will help you learn to awaken your true core strength. Access powerful tools to feel, access and strengthen your deep core, the one mainstream fitness forgot about. You won’t strengthen with traditional sit-ups, crunches and planks. This is about an embodied connection to this important part of you.

    You’ll learn how to:

    • Ease tension and pain in your hips and back through deeper levels of core connection and engagement, taking the load off of your secondary stabilizer muscles

    • Learn to stay calm and rooted in your core, no matter what types of challenges life is throwing your way

    • Feel more confident moving in any situation knowing that your most central part of your body is supporting you in every step you take

  • Learn to actually listen to your body (and know what it needs). This deep-dive workshop will help you finally learn how to listen to, respect and give your body what it needs. If you’ve struggled with the advice “listen to your body” and don’t know how, this is what you’re looking for.

    This workshop will help you:

    • Let go of fixing, micro-managing and obsessing about your body

    • Learn to attune to what it really needs to feel supported

    • Access feelings of safety in your body so you can make more space for listening

    • Learn to discern between your body’s messages and your mind’s stories about your body

  • Stop Shrinking Yourself and Take Up Space Exactly as You Are. Are there parts of you that you want to embody and have the courage to share more? Maybe you just want to feel like you can fully be you, owning and acknowledging your worth and dignity, with yourself. Whatever it is, learning to take up space with posture, energy and movement can be a profound source of support.

    This workshop will help you:

    • Learn how to give yourself the gift of really allowing yourself to be where you are without beating yourself up for being “behind” of where you think you *should* be in life

    • Let go of old, limiting, but comfortable ways of being so you can step into the aliveness and beauty that your spirit is calling for

    • How to feel and root into your own enoughness, so you can stop trying to perform and be someone you’re not

  • Learn How to Pair Supportive Movements for Your Mental Health. What if you had a go-to “medicine cabinet” of movements to support your mental wellbeing in any moment, no matter what you were going through? The beautiful part about learning these movements is that you can then know what to reach for in any moment. You can know how to soothe and support yourself so you can feel what you need to feel and let it fully move through.

    This workshop will teach you how to:

    • Get out of a constant “fight or flight” response and tap back into the safety of your body in the present moment

    • Create a nourishing routine for self-care and healthy movement that isn’t burdened by expectations, self-judgment and old narratives

    • Learn which movements are supportive for processing grief, anger, sadness, overwhelm and other challenging feelings

    • Access more joy, playfulness and tenderness so you can not just be “sitting with the hard stuff”

  • Learn to Help Your Body Feel Safe to Deeply Rest. Do you feel chronically tired, wired and under-rested? You’re definitely not alone. Our world doesn’t encourage us to pause and be, let alone make space for hibernation. But that doesn’t mean it’s still not a critical need we all have.

    In this class you’ll learn how to help you nervous system unwind and settle so you can drop into deeper states of rest and recovery.

    This workshop will help you:

    • Learn specific movement and somatic practices to help your body feel safe to rest

    • Recover from burnout and fear of overdoing it, so you can live your life fully and deeply nourish yourself

    • Unwind your body and mind from toxic hustle, grind, go-go-go culture and learn to prioritize and dignify your rest

  • Cultivate a Feeling of Being Home in Your Body. Who would you be if you felt totally at ease and at home in yourself, settled, rooted and trusting your body? You’ll have a greater trust in your ability to move, confidently knowing what your body can do and what it needs to heal and expand. Learn movement practices that can become resources for you to rely on, tools you can consistently come back to whenever you find yourself spinning out or off your center.

    You’ll learn how to:

    • Tap into feelings of ease and comfort in your body, so you can actually be present for the things that matter to you

    • Reclaim a sense of confidence in your truth and the wisdom of your body to help you make important life decisions

    • Regain confidence in your ability to honor your body’s strengths and limitations, so you can move more confidently in any situation

  • Somatic Practices for Opening to More Connection and Intimacy With Your Loves. Authentic, intimate connection can’t happen without vulnerability, and vulnerability requires that you’re in your body. The more we’re able to let our guards down and allow ourselves to be seen, the more love and intimacy we’ve unlocked in our relationship. We (Ev’Yan Whitney and Jonathan Mead) want to share some of the insights we’ve learned with you.

    You will discover how to:

    • Soften your habitual armoring that’s keeping you from receiving the love you really want

    • Practice informed consent with yourself and your love so you can safely expand your capacity for connection and sweetness

    • Stop holding yourself back from opening to love and new experiences because you’re afraid of getting hurt again

    • Move beyond old childhood wounds and step bravely into intimacy in the present moment

  • How to Embody Healthy Boundaries. It’s one thing to know your boundaries from a mental place, it’s entirely different to feel your boundaries in your body. Boundaries aren’t all about saying no either (though that’s certainly a part of it). It’s also about being able to feel and honor what’s a clear hell yes for you. In this class we’ll explore somatic practices and embodied movements to help you clearly feel, honor and know what is aligned for you and what’s not.

    You will learn how to:

    • Access your innate worthiness and dignity, so you can honor your desires and allow more of what you truly want into your life

    • Learn to feel what a clear, embodied YES feels like in your center, not just what you think you should want

    • Powerfully own your NO in your body, so you can honor your boundaries, protect your peace and energy.

    • Prioritize yourself and you needs before picking up other peoples needs and energies.

  • Move Beyond Pain, Injuries and Guarding to Trust Your Body. What would it feel like for you to fully trust your body in any situation? I imagine that you’d live life more fully. You’d probably say yes to more adventures. You’d likely feel more confident knowing what you’re truly capable of. In this class, learn to strengthen your connection to your body, befriend it, and learn to align with its signals so that you can rebuild that trust.

    What you’ll be learning:

    • Resource deep trust in your body, so you can heal from old injuries, neglect, lack of faith in your innate resilience

    • How to develop more trust in yourself, so you can know what you most need to do to take care of yourself

    • Practices to ground back into your sense of support in any moment you need it to develop more confidence in your body

  • Stop Being So Serious and Tap into the Joy and Play of Movement. Have you gotten too serious? Are you always trying to do it “right”? All around us we’re bombarded with messages about the “right” way to exercise, move and be in our bodies. But, are we missing out on something when we do this? What if joyful movement and feeling good in your body could guide you? In this workshop we’ll explore together how to reclaim our “taste” for pleasurable movement and delicious sensations.

    What you’ll gain from this workshop:

    • How to feel safe to allow yourself to receive more joy, pleasure and sweetness into your life. Trusting that it’s okay to feel this more aliveness

    • Practices to help you break up rigidity and being an overly serious person, so you can access more flow and playfulness in your movement

    • Invitations that will help train your body to expand its capacity for joy and pleasure

  • Move Beyond Over-Giving and Embody Your True Abundance. What if you could open your body to receive more joy and abundance in every area of your life? Who would you be if you experienced an overflowing of energy, joy, creativity and connection in your life? Opening to true abundance, is much more than reciting hollow, prescriptive affirmations. It’s about learning how to open through your body to receive all of the abundance that’s already around you.

    What you’ll be learning:

    • How to soften your patterns of guarding and protection so you can open to the abundance, beauty and joy that’s already all around you

    • Learn to be an “antennae” for whatever you desire to create more of in your life through embodied affirmations

    • Somatic practices to help you shake off and unlearn habits of closure and playing small in your body, that might be currently holding you back

  • Saying you love yourself in your head is one thing. Truly feeling it, deeply and undeniably in your body is quite another. What if you could reclaim your authenticity and start embodying self-love now, as a practice? I bet there’s a lot of gifts that are waiting to be untethered in you, once you learn to fully love yourself, completely as you are, now.

    This workshop will teach you:

    • Somatically driven movements to help you embrace yourself tenderly, as you are, without twisting or contorting yourself into something you’re not.

    • Sequenced, easy to follow practices to help you snap out of the trance of shame and self judgment and back into celebrating who you naturally are.

    • Guidance on how to hold challenging emotions so you can lovingly embrace them, giving them safe passage to leave your body.

    • Prompts to help you deepen this practice beyond the workshop to take into your every day life.

  • Learn how to shed reflexive people pleasing, masking, and saying yes when we really don’t mean it. One of the most draining things in the world is not trusting yourself and following your own intuition. Let’s let go of striving to be something we’re not and learn to trust our truth again.

    This workshop will teach you:

    • Guided practice to help you release striving, people-pleasing and reflexive fawning

    • Space holding for the parts of you that were taught they needed to be something else to be loved and accepted

    • How to tell when you’re falling back into old patterns of dishonoring yourself and your energy

    • Somatic practices to ground back into your truth and return to what makes you most come alive

    • How to discern between genuine desire to serve and care for vs. reactively helping when it’s not aligned for you

  • Learn How to Keep Your Body a Safe Place of Retreat and Comfort. There are simple, yet powerful somatic movement practice that can gently return us back to our grounded safety in our bodies. Done over time, we can cultivate a calm, safe place within us that we can count on no matter what life brings us.

    What you’ll be learning:

    • Simple, take-with-you-anywhere practices to help you learn how to come back to a feeling of ease and peace in your body, in any moment.

    • Learn to hold space for yourself and resource safety, even in the midst of difficult inner weather patterns.

    • How to find trust in your body again, if you’ve been dealing with anxiety, shame, guilt, stress or other difficult sensations.

    • Invitations for bringing these practices into your every day life, so they can rewire outdated coping strategies and help you step into the aliveness you’ve been searching for.

    • Guided practice to gently reconnect you to your deepest core, including your transverse abdominus, diaphragm, and pelvic floor

    • Somatic practices to help you safely release old patterns of tension and restriction keeping you from breathing fully

    • Powerful inquiries to help you learn to access the wisdom of your core, dan-tien, deep belly that will guide you to living a fuller, richer, more aligned life

    • You’ll also learn how to take this activation and apply it to real-world, natural movement patterns, so it’s not just an isolated, disconnected exercise

  • What you'll learn in this workshop:

    • Explorations in releasing guarding and protection in your body, so you can allow joy, love, peace and aliveness in

    • Guided somatic movements that help you safely tap into new possibilities and open your body to be softer and vulnerable to receive

    • Prompts and invitations to help you break old patterns of over-giving and over-efforting

    • Guidance for integrating these practices into your life and real-world situations, so they can make a true, lasting impact

    • Embodied practices to help you reconcile with and rebuild trust in your body, so you can confidently understand how to deeply nourish yourself

    • Guided somatic movements that help you let go of shame, guilt and the trauma of trying to force your body into a mold it wasn’t never mean to be in

    • Prompts and invitations to help you break old patterns of self abandonment, overriding and trespassing over your body

    • Guidance for integrating these practices into your life and real-world situations, so they can make a true, lasting impact

    • Time for Q&A and community sharing

      • Guided practice to help you connect to safely with your anger, so you can learn to connect with it without getting overwhelmed and shutting down

      • Somatic practices to help you access and harness the gift of your sacred anger to reconnect with your power

      • How to understand what’s underneath your anger, seeing it as a signal to connect with deeper feelings and needs like sadness, grief, loneliness, fear or even tiredness and hunger

      • How to take this new awareness and apply it to your life, so you can learn to be in the presence of anger without collapsing or shutting down

      • Time for questions and Q&A so you’re clear on how to access, feel and strengthen your connection to the sacred gift of anger

Stop surviving and start living fully

Then just $29/mo. No contracts, cancel anytime.

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