How Orlando Reclaimed His Primal Strength By Focusing on the Foundations

"Sit still and pay attention."From an early age we're taught to reign in our wildness.Climbing, crawling and jumping around is seen as something kids do, that is until we train it out of them.Orlando's story might seem familiar to you.As a kid he loved being active and was always exploring, climbing on stuff, jumping off of things. Then he had to grow up, get serious and figure out this whole "life" thing.But in all that seriousness he realized that he lost a part of who he was. He stopped doing the things that made him come alive.

I realiOrlando lizard crawlingzed that I lost a bit of who I was, what I enjoyed, and that freedom that I had in not caring about what people think.

So, of course, when Orlando said he wanted to work with me, I was beyond stoked. I saw how hungry and passionate he was about movement and reclaiming that inner hero he lost as a kid.It's easy when you work with someone that is motivated and ready to take action.Orlando absolutely put in the work, week after week. By focusing on the foundations of primal movement he's been able to gain some impressive results and skills. The coolest part is that he's just getting started.

I haven't been happier than in probably the last 10 years. Everything is falling into place in my life and this is another thing I can add to that list.

How Orlando beat the couch (and you can too)

Orlando single leg squatOrlando struggled with getting off the couch and just getting started. He would play video games, feel guilty, and then not do anything about it. He let his fears and shame rule him.Then one day he said "enough" and used those feelings to do something, to fuel him to break the cycle.

I was just sitting on the couch doing nothing, feeling guilty about doing nothing. But I just let that guilt rule me. Since working with Jonathan my confidence has shot up and I'm more motivated than ever.

If you think you're too old, too big, too small, too young, too uncoordinated, or whatever it is, I get it. It's hard to get moving again, especially when limiting thoughts make you wake up feeling defeated.Orlando struggled with these mental loops for years, and then he finally decided to just start from where he is.

How to Press the Reset Button on Your Training

orlando-l-sitUnfortunately, though I've been searching quite diligently, there seems to be no "reset" button for your body. However, you can press the reset button on your training at any time.It's always there, you just have to get up and take action.Making a regular practice and focusing on the basics is how you get there. Sometimes this means humbling yourself a little bit, sometimes it means remembering that sense of play you had as a kid.After all, we all first did the basics when we learned to move for the first time. That was our original education in primal movement, we just stopped doing it.No matter how far you've gotten off track, it's all there, right underneath the surface. Reawakening that sense of confidence in your body, that curiosity and adventure is always there for you. All it takes is one decision to get back on track.

You have to get back up. You can't let yourself fall and stay down.

The Power of Focusing on the Foundations (it's all about the base)

The foundations are easy to overlook and ignore. After all, they're not very sexy, and they don't lead you to straight to those badass, impressive skills everyone covets.But as the saying goes, if you build on a weak foundation, your house will fall.By focusing on the core fundamentals, Orlando is putting in the work that will unlock more advanced skills later down the road. By taking care of the base, he's setting himself up for success.

When Jonathan told me about the program he had in mind I was super excited. I couldn't help myself, I just wanted to do it. I just wanted to be like yeah 'let's go to the park tomorrow.'

Want to reconnect with your naturally strong, capable body?

I work with people all over the world through online coaching, and locally here in Portland, OR. If you'd like some help building a strong foundation of mobility and strength, schedule a free discovery session with me.Everyone needs some help from time to time and you don't have to do it alone.Explore what working with me looks like.


It's Time to Reclaim Your Primal Strength


Primal Foundations Workout