Get over 70% off with the Somatic Healing Bundle 2.0!
These workshops have helped hundreds unlock deep healing and ease
I created this bundle to help you start healing now, even if you’ve tried everything
Maybe you’ve tried everything to heal your body and mind but nagging injuries, difficult emotions and tension and pain keep holding you back.
Perhaps you want to feel more trust in yourself, to handle challenges, to come back to your center. Maybe you long to love yourself deeply and finally heal the old, limiting patterns that keep you safe but aren’t working so well anymore.
If that’s you, somatic movement can likely help you a lot.
For so long I was stuck. It felt like no matter what I did, I couldn’t move beyond tension, pain, fear and guarding.
With the help of somatic movement and body connection, I was able to learn to soften, heal and find safety in my body.
That was the pathway to experiencing more joy, freedom and ease.
I want to show you what I’ve learned and this exclusive somatic bundle features all of my best work.
All the amazing workshops you’ll get in this healing bundle:
*Detailed descriptions of each workshop below
Deep Core Strength ($44)
Allowing Yourself to Receive ($44)
The Gift of Anger ($44)
Movements for Mental Health ($44)
Safety in My Body ($44)
The Art of Self-Trust ($44)
Release and Remember 2024 ($33)
Embodied Self-Love ($44)
Befriending Your Body ($44)
The Power of Anxiety ($22)
Embodied Confidence ($44)
Plus 60 days of free membership to my private virtual community to answer your questions, get accountability and receive support!
Normally $400+
Today: Only $99
Here are all the tools and practices you’ll be getting:
(Tap/click to expand for a full description)
This workshop will help you awaken your core strength and undo chronic back pain, rigid hips, restricted movement, low energy, and limited breath capacity.
You’ll access powerful tools to feel, access and strengthen your deep core, the one mainstream fitness forgot about. You won’t strengthen with traditional sit-ups, crunches and planks. This is about an embodied connection to this important part of you.
You’ll learn:
Guided practice to gently reconnect you to your deepest core, including your transverse abdominus, diaphragm, and pelvic floor.
Somatic practices to help you safely release old patterns of tension and restriction keeping you from breathing fully.
Powerful inquiries to help you learn to access the wisdom of your core, dan-tien, deep belly that will guide you to living a fuller, richer, more aligned life.
You’ll also learn how to take this activation and apply it to real-world, natural movement patterns, so it’s not just an isolated, disconnected exercise.
Learn How to Receive More Goodness From Life.
If you ever feel like you do “all the right things” but still stay feeling kind of flat and just getting by, it may be because you’re not allowing yourself to fully receive. In this workshop, we will open up that conversation and learn how to tap into and receive the nourishment that’s all around us.
If you’ve been doing “all the right things” like breathwork, meditation, movement, therapy but still aren’t seeing results, this is for you.
This workshop will offer you:
Explorations in releasing guarding and protection in your body, so you can allow joy, love, peace and aliveness in
Guided somatic movements that help you safely tap into new possibilities and open your body to be softer and vulnerable to receive
Prompts and invitations to help you break old patterns of over-giving and over-effort-ing
Guidance for integrating these practices into your life and real-world situations, so they can make a true, lasting impact
What if your anger was a sacred gift, calling you back to your power?
You may have been taught that anger is a negative emotion, but what if it's a gift, asking us to pay attention to something deeper?
In this workshop you’ll learn to use somatic movement to help you feel safe to feel, explore and express your anger without getting stuck in it.
This workshop will offer:
Guided practice to help you connect to safely with your anger, so you can learn to connect with it without getting overwhelmed and shutting down
Somatic practices to help you access and harness the gift of your sacred anger to reconnect with your power
How to understand what’s underneath your anger, seeing it as a signal to connect with deeper feelings and needs like sadness, grief, loneliness, fear or even tiredness and hunger
How to take this new awareness and apply it to your life, so you can learn to be in the presence of anger without collapsing or shutting down
Learn How to Pair Supportive Movements for Your Mental Health.
What if you had a go-to “medicine cabinet” of movements to support your mental wellbeing in any moment, no matter what you were going through? The beautiful part about learning these movements is that you can then know what to reach for in any moment. You can know how to soothe and support yourself so you can feel what you need to feel and let it fully move through.
This workshop will teach you how to:
Get out of a constant “fight or flight” response and tap back into the safety of your body in the present moment
Create a nourishing routine for self-care and healthy movement that isn’t burdened by expectations, self-judgment and old narratives
Learn which movements are supportive for processing grief, anger, sadness, overwhelm and other challenging feelings
Access more joy, playfulness and tenderness so you can not just be “sitting with the hard stuff”
Learn to Feel Safe Within Your Body in a Crazy and Uncertain World.
No matter where you go or what happens, you know that your body is a place of retreat and comfort. There are simple, yet powerful somatic movement practice that can gently return us back to our grounded safety in our bodies. Done over time, we can cultivate a calm, safe place within us that we can count on no matter what life brings us.
Simple, take-with-you-anywhere practices to help you learn how to come back to a feeling of ease and peace in your body, in any moment.
How to hold space for yourself and resource safety, even in the midst of difficult inner weather patterns.
How to find trust in your body again, if you’ve been dealing with anxiety, shame, guilt, stress or other difficult sensations.
Invitations for bringing these practices into your every day life, so they can rewire outdated coping strategies and help you step into the aliveness you’ve been searching for.
Who Would You Be if You Fully Trusted Yourself?
Do you find yourself regularly people-pleasing without thinking? Do you ever override your body or your needs, even when you know deep down it’s not right? Let’s let go of striving to be something we’re not and learn to trust our truth again. Let’s explore how we can shed reflexive people pleasing, masking, and saying yes when we don’t really mean it.
This workshop will offer:
Guided practice to help you release striving, people-pleasing and reflexive fawning
Space holding for the parts of you that were taught they needed to be something else to be loved and accepted
How to tell when you’re falling back into old patterns of dishonoring yourself and your energy
Somatic practices to ground back into your truth and return to what makes you most come alive
How to discern between genuine desire to serve and care for vs. reactively helping when it’s not aligned for you
Release Stuck Emotions and Embody Your Strongest Self.
There are likely stories that you’re ready to let go of about who you are and what you’re capable of. Let’s release and compost the old so we can come back to who we really are, together.
This workshop will offer:
Guided practice to help you learn how to use movement to release emotions and stories, especially tricky, stuck ones
Space holding for whatever old stories and emotions are arising that you need to feel and let go
My most powerful “limit breaking” prompts to help you connect with and identify any sneaky limiting stories
Embodied movement practice to step back into and ground back into who you really are, so you can come back to and access it any time you get thrown off
Learn to Embody Deep Self-Love with Somatic Movement
Most of us weren’t taught how to love ourselves as we are. We weren’t taught that who we are is enough. Instead, we learned how to contort ourselves and perform for others approval. What if you could start embodying self love now and reclaim your authenticity?
This workshop will teach you:
Somatically driven movements to help you embrace yourself tenderly, as you are, without twisting or contorting yourself into something you’re not.
Sequenced, easy to follow practices to help you snap out of the trance of shame and self judgment and back into celebrating who you naturally are.
Guidance on how to hold challenging emotions so you can lovingly embrace them, giving them safe passage to leave your body.
Prompts to help you deepen this practice beyond the workshop to take into your every day life.
Learn to Move Beyond Your Inner Critic and Befriend Your Body.
We spend so much time telling our bodies to do, bossing them around, trying to fix and control them. What if instead you could learn to lovingly celebrate and listen to your body’s messages and requests?
Somatic practices can help you tap back into your body’s wisdom so you can feel better in your skin.
What you’ll be learning:
Embodied practices to help you reconcile with and rebuild trust in your body, so you can confidently understand how to deeply nourish yourself.
Guided somatic movements that help you let go of shame, guilt and the trauma of trying to force your body into a mold it wasn’t never meant to be in.
Prompts and invitations to help you break old patterns of self abandonment, overriding and trespassing over your body.
Guidance for integrating these practices into your life and real-world situations, so they can make a true, lasting impact.
What if anxiety wasn’t something to get rid of, but could actually become one of your most helpful friends and teachers? In this class you’ll learn how to use anxiety as a portal to come back into trust, ease and peace in yourself and life.
You’ll find:
Guided practices to soothe anxiety, fear and overwhelm.
How to use anxiety and challenging emotions as allies, rather than enemies.
Movements that help you build connection and trust so you can relax into the present moment.
Learn to Tap into Your Deep Inner Confidence. What if you carried a deep confidence in yourself and life? So often we’re trying to find the balm to our anxiety and fears with quick fixes, breathing techniques, hollow affirmations and half-truths. But what if there was a way to connect into something deeper and longer lasting? What would it feel like to develop a kind of confidence and trust in yourself that you feel in your belly, spine, and whole body?
In this workshop, we’ll explore:
Guided practices to help you connect to back into your natural inner confidence, without faking it or feeling like you’re wearing a mask
Somatic practices to help you access and harness the gift of your anxiety, rather than making it wrong or pushing it away
How to alchemize anxiety, worry and fear to help you come home to your true confidence and ease in yourself
How to take this new awareness and apply it to your life, so you can learn to consistently feel confident to handle any of life’s challenges
Why I created this bundle
Hey! Thanks for being here!
I’m Jonathan Mead, the creator of this bundle and the Embodied Movement method. I have helped over 5,000 beautiful humans reclaim a relationship with their bodies in the last several years.
I found somatic movement after struggling for years with injuries, unresolved trauma and a tumultuous relationships with my own body.
Somatic movement helped me heal, embody my authentic self and find my true potential.
I created this bundle to help give you a library of tools that you can use to heal yourself.
It takes just three steps to access this somatic magic:
1. Sign up.
Use any of the buttons on this page to purchase the bundle.
2. Get immediate access.
Once you sign up, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to immediately access any of the workshop recordings anywhere, any time.
3. Start healing and feeling better.
You’ll be able to download or stream all of the practices to begin healing your body and mind.
You’ll get to choose which workshops to start with depending on your needs—whether it’s learning to take up space and feel confident, relieve stress and tension, rest and recharge fully, or bring more joy into your life.
Downloads never expire and are yours to keep forever!
Why this is an amazing deal
Buy each workshop separately
Spend lots of time figuring out which one is for you
Spend more time and money
Get frustrated at not being sure which steps to take for your situation
$400+ when you buy everything separately.
Now with the Bundle
Get everything at once
Access all of the best practices immediately, for life
Get over 70% off
Personalized guidance and community with four virtual live Q&A sessions
Save over $300 with the Somatic Bundle.
Lifetime access to 11 powerful workshops
This bundle goes away in...
Important disclaimer: The offerings in this bundle are not intended to diagnose or treat any mental illness or medical condition. Please consult with your healthcare practitioner before starting any new movement program.
Copyright 2024 © Embodied Movement